welcome to my world

ini cerita saya,
gadis pendek yang bercita-cita tinggi
don't ever put high expectations on me because i'm just an ordinary girl living in a temporary rent land by HIM

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the first one

ehem ehem. testing one,two,three. weeeeeee :D finally,dpt jgak buat blog. heeee. before that,
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatu :) rasa sgt teruja sbb dpt type "A to Z" kat blog SENDIRI ! hahaa. knw, whyy ? sbb act mmg dyla dah lame kot buat blog tp asyik lupe jee password. bnyk sgt ambik msg niyy la jadinyee. >______< so skrg,dah ingt password && i;ll never leave this blog ! to the bloggers outsides there,dont be shy to add me up ! errrrr. kat blog guna "add" keee ? heee lantaklah. ape2 yg sewaktu dgnnye lah kan. i need to be friends with the bloggers like u guys sbb dyla ta reti nak berblog. soo,kita bley bersahabatan && sharing new things. akhir kata;
buah cempedak di luar pagar,
ambil galah tolong tunjukkan,
dyla budak baru belajar,
kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.
hahaa. ta  bley blaa~~~
tp pantun ni ikhlas lahir dari hati yg suci&&murni


  1. bgus2..ada improvement..bila la i nk start nie..

  2. huhuu. u ta payah laa nak sibuk berblog. u berblog jee lahh dgn haziq and his papa. be a good wife and a good mother. itu yg terbaik. aaggagga :D
