welcome to my world

ini cerita saya,
gadis pendek yang bercita-cita tinggi
don't ever put high expectations on me because i'm just an ordinary girl living in a temporary rent land by HIM

Friday, November 19, 2010

h u r t s

assalamualaikum :)
dear liver,
di saat saat orang tengah syok buat filem hindustan dlm mimpi,
di saat saat orang asyik membuat peta asia menggunakan saliva mereka,
di saat saat orang asyik berselimut mcm bajet kat overseas jee,
dyla berbloging,
im really not okay ryte now,
wht is our main roles in thz world act ?
best kan kalau dpt jadi kanak kanak forever&&ever ?
semua org syg,
ta payah nak fikir pasal hati dan perasaan org lain,
ta payah nak over over nangis pasal benda yg tah pape tah,
ta payah nak fikir anything,
ta payah nak ambik tau pasal org ni org tu,
wht makes me to write all thz ?
ntahlaaa,juz wanna share wht i feel,
sometimes we didnt realize the one who we cares,who we loves
NEVER think bout us,
kite jee prasan lebih,
feeling lebih,
ewwwww padahal
the one who never we cares,who never we loves,
ALWAYS think about us,
. . . . .
sedih hiba takut kechiwa sakit hati menyampah
syaitann pleasee laaa ! stop bothering meeeee :(